Friday, September 4, 2009

Senator Kennedy and Proton Treatment

Pediatric Proton Foundation Responds to NPR Commentary on Senator Kennedy’s Proton Therapy Treatment (September 1, 2009)

I am miffed that once again proton treatment is in the news and being cast in a negative light along with Senator’s Kennedy’s death. Somehow naysayers have twisted a story saying Senator Kennedy’s proton treatment for his brain cancer was unwarranted and experimental. If you were a legendary Senator and bore the name Kennedy, would you not seek out the best treatment available to try to treat your deadly cancer? Of course you would and that is what the late Senator Kennedy did. Senator Kennedy was known for his compelling stance on healthcare issues. Of course, first he selected one of the top neurosurgeons at Duke then he selected the best radiation treatment available in the U.S.: proton treatment.

The physicians at Harvard are considered top experts in their field and are recognized around the world for their superior cancer programs. His doctor team determined together with their patient, Senator Kennedy, to treat his cancer with protons as they considered it the best medical option they could provide under the Senator's severe circumstances. From what has been reported, Senator Kennedy's tumor was among the most aggressive and fatal types of cancer. For him to have survived 15 months from diagnosis and remain a vibrant participant in his work is actually quite remarkable. Most glioma patients at Senator Kennedy’s age (76) are lucky to live another 6-12 months. There is no doubt that proton therapy achieved the goals of his physicians: minimal side effects during and after treatment and more quality days for him and his family.

The same choice is needed for all cancer patients – not just the affluent and easily recognized. The same choice is needed for all pediatric cancers. Harvard has released many new studies that show the chance for secondary cancer is reduced up to 50% when protons are used on children versus traditional radiation. Children are still growing. They are highly susceptible to deficit late effects from radiation hitting non-tumor healthy tissue especially in the brain. The dose to healthy tissue is minimized with protons. Senator Kennedy knew this information and that’s why he got it. Now let’s help our kids get it too.

Susan Ralston
Executive Director& Founder
Pediatric Proton Foundation

1 comment:

  1. Susan, I'm not a conspiracy theorist but do think the "left side of the aisle" has a series of talking points maybe marching orders in the health care area that's not good for either your advocacy efforts or mine.
    If I may, I'd like to lump these commentaries on the high cost of proton treatment in the same league as the anti - PSA screening groups. Well maybe that's a reach but when you see what national health care does for breast cancer and prostate cancer patients in their mortality rates in England and Canada then it's hard to ignore the facts and not be alarmed and biased.

    We hosted an exhibitors table at the Anderson Survivors Conference and I spoke to a few people about the effectiveness of proton therapy in the pediatric patients and also your foundation. I also handed out about 60 of the Pediatric Proton DVD sets produced by MDACC.
    In gratitude
    Joe Landry, ProtonPals
